EYE AM (Featuring Members Of TYPE O NEGATIVE, CROWBAR, DOWN) Releases Music Video For “Cryptomnesia”

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Eye AM, the new band featuring former Type O Negative members Kenny Hickey and Johnny Kelly, along with Kirk Windstein (Crowbar, Down) and Todd Strange (Crowbar, Down), has released the music video for their new single “Cryptomnesia”, and you can watch it below.

With a soft, acoustic intro jolting into heavy-hitting guitar riffs and face-melting vocals, “Cryptomnesia” feels like a total slap in the face in the best possible way. The song centers around the mantra, “And into your arms, I commend my life. And after your death, I take back what’s mine.” It is a perfect embodiment of what makes Eye AM truly spectacular – their ability to combine familiar tones with new, innovative ways to express their love of rock and roll and metal. 

“It’s my older, wiser self telling off my younger self for screwing up so much crap for so long and screwing up both our lives” says Hickey. “I don’t want our music to be one-dimensional. I don’t want it to be just dark and doomy or always heavy I want it to be both light and dark and dynamic and I think “Cryptomnesia” really captures all of that. I really love the way it moves freely between opposing movements of heavy guitars and sudden melodic key changes and even acoustic segments.  It’s a moody song and it goes a lot of places in the  5 minutes or so it takes to play out. It feels more like a trip than a song to me.  I don’t get tired of listening to it.”

“I really think “Cryptomnesia” is a perfect example of a new Band finding it’s own style and sound. I love Dreams Always Die With The Sun, but we had a lot more time putting together “Cryptomnesia” , and the end result is awesome!!! The song is very hypnotic to me. I never get tired of hearing it, and that’s a great thing!!!” adds Kirk Windstein.


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