LORD OF THE LOST Reveal New Official Music Video For “One Last Song”

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Lord of the Lost have revealed a new official music video for “One Last Song”, the emotional closing track of their current #1 charting album “Blood & Glitter”

Vocalist Chris Harms, inspired by the thought of what song he would like to be the last he sings before he dies, “One Last Song” is likely to be the most important song he has ever written. The music video is consequently set in a church where Chris‘ funeral is staged – including a flashback to his own nursery.

Chris Harms offers about “One Last Song”: “Life is too short and uncertain; you never know when it might end. That’s why it is important to me to leave my musical testament with this song before it becomes too late for me to do so. If I should only be able to sing, play, or perform one more song in my life, then it would be this one.”

Lord of the Lost“One Last Song”

2023 has been a very busy year for Lord of the Lost, including huge highlights such as representing Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest in May, providing direct tour support for Iron Maiden (again!), several sold out headline shows and a summer full of big festival appearances.


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