LIVE NATION To Start Requiring Vaccination Or Proof Of Negative Test Result For U.S. Concerts

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As the live-music industry resumes operations while the Covid-19 variant spreads across the globe, Live Nation will require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test for entry to its concerts, according to an internal memo obtained by Variety.

The document, which was signed by Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino, states that Live Nation will be adopting the same practices that have already been implemented “successfully at many major shows, including Lollapalooza.”

“Our teams have worked together to put new processes in place so that artists doing shows with Live Nation in the US can require all attendees and staff to be fully vaccinated or show a negative test result for entry, where permitted by law,” Rapino said. “We believe this is a great model”.

Because Covid-19 protocols vary state by state, practices for live events have varied as well. But as the variant continues to disrupt lives and livelihoods all over the world, Live Nation — the world’s largest live entertainment company — evidently has seen fit to put standard practices into place.



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