ALICE COOPER Says He Still Wants To Be On Stage At Age 90: “It’s Never Been A Thought That I’d Retire.” 

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Speaking exclusively to Rock Candy magazine as part of an in-depth 16-page cover story, legendary shock rocker Alice Cooper told writer Andrew Daly that he’s determined to buck the current trend of rock stars retiring.

“A farewell tour hasn’t crossed my mind at all,” said Alice, who turned 75 this year. “And it’s weird, because all my friends are retiring. Gene Simmons of KISS said to me recently, ‘Look, I’m done. Come December, it’s over.’ And I go, ‘Well, you know, these farewell tours go on for years and years now, right?’ But Gene was very serious and said, ‘Not this time. I promise you that come December, KISS as we know it is absolutely done.’ The guys in Aerosmith are saying the same thing, as are many other bands from my era. But none of that occurs to me. It’s never been a thought that I’d retire. I feel great, and the band sounds great. I’m 75, but I’ll be up there at 90 if I’m still in good enough shape.”

Alice went on to cite The Rolling Stones, who are still active and as relevant today as ever they have been, as his inspiration. “I’m looking at Mick Jagger as the prototype,” he says.Mick still does three-hour shows and the soundcheck. So if Mick can do it, so can I.”

You can read Rock Candy‘s 16-page Alice Cooper special, together with many other fascinating stories about Deep PurplePaul RodgersRonnie James DioEurope and more in the magazine’s issue 40.


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