COREY TAYLOR Cancels Upcoming Solo Tour: “For The Past Several Months My Mental And Physical Health Have Been Breaking Down”

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Corey Taylor, the fiery frontman of Slipknot and Stone Sour, has made a gut-wrenching decision: pulling the plug on his upcoming North American tour. In a heartfelt statement, Taylor revealed a deeper reason for the sudden pause – prioritizing his mental well-being and that of his family.

“It is with a heavy heart that I announce the cancellation of my upcoming North American tour. For the past several months my mental and physical health have been breaking down, and I reached a place that was unhealthy for my family and I” Taylor wrote on a social media post.

“I know this decision will come as a shock to some and may be regarded as unpopular by others — but after taking a hard look at where I am and where I was going, I need to pull myself back and be home with my family for the time being. Those of you who bought tickets and VIP packages for this upcoming run will get a full refund,” he added. “I send my love to the fans, my band, my family & friends, and everyone who’s helped me get here thus far. I promise I’m doing everything I can to be as healthy as I can be. Until then, my apologies to everyone we would have seen on the tour — and hopefully, we’ll see you again down the line.”

Taylor‘s decision isn’t just about self-preservation; it’s a powerful statement about the importance of mental health awareness, especially in the often-chaotic world of music. We wish him the best and hope to see him on stage with Slipknot soon.


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