Swedish melodic death metal pioneers AT THE GATES have released a music video for “Garden Of Cyrus”, from their latest studio album, “The Nightmare Of Being,” released in 2021. The clip, featuring animation, illustrations editing and concept by Costin Chioreanu / Twilight 13 Media, can be viewed below.
AT THE GATES vocalist Tomas Lindberg Redant comments about the video as follows: “For our latest video, “Garden Of Cyrus”, we have once again chosen to work with our long-time partner Costin Chioreanu. And I think it is safe to say that this time he has truly outdone himself! It is a different song, at least in death metal terms, and of course it needed a different idea for the video. Once again, we let Costin do his own interpretation of the music and the lyrics, and he has taken us on a real psychedelic journey with this one. I think this is the song on our latest album “The Nightmare Of Being” that raised the most eyebrows in the metal community. And I am proud that we as a band can still surprise people, adding another dimension to our sound, without losing the essence of what AT THE GATES is. Enjoy!”
AT THE GATES will embark on a special anniversary Slaughter Of The Soul tour this summer in the US and Canada; where they play the entire “Slaughter Of The Soul” album from start to finish, and also a mix of other tracks from their 30+ year career.
Says the band: “Originally planned for the 25-year anniversary of SOTS in 2020, the Covid-19 situation made us postpone this tour until 2022. Finally, we can present these new dates set for August 2022. We have been looking forward to return to the US for several years now, and with a great tour package together with Municipal Waste, Enforced & Thrown Into Exile, it is finally time. See you in the pit!”