HAKEN Bassist CONNER GREEN: “You Grow As Musicians As Time Goes On, And Naturally The Music Changes”

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With the fifth Haken album, Vector, around the corner, appearing to the world on October 26, and the next Haken tour starting on October 30, Nick Andreas had the pleasure of having a chat with the band’s bassist Conner Green. The two naturally talked about Haken‘s evolving sound and what to expect from the forthcoming studio album. 

Their chat also touched subjects like how joining Haken four years ago has impacted Conner‘s life, and how flying around the world (playing with Mike Portnoy’s Shattered Fortress as well as all the new places Haken had and will visited in the near future) has now become commonplace for a man who had previously only been out of the country once. And if that’s not enough they also discussed a bit about Conner‘s love of tea and coffee, which will be great for any leaf and bean buffs out there!

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