MacMachine Gun Kelly – born Colson Baker, 32 – shut the house down on Thursday, July 28th 2022. The Excel Energy Center, filled with over 14,000, was filled with teens and college fans wearing fish nets, ripped clothing, and overalls, mostly in pink. This was the arena debut for MGK in Minnesota, and the crowd made him feel welcomed. The Excel was greeted by a video of MGK in a cardboard box that he referred to as being caused by the internet. This theme reoccurred throughout the show as he made remarks about his struggles as an artist and being liked. “If the internet was right about Machine Gun Kelly, when the lights go on nobody would be here,” said MGK. He has made quite the jump from opening acts during covid, playing at the Armory in 2021, to a nearly sold-out Excel Energy Center arena.
The openers, Willow, and Avril Lavigne were a great choice to fit the theme with moody rock, R&B, and grunge music. Avril Lavigne could have been mistaken as the headlining act as fans proudly sang the lyrics of “Girlfriend” loudly as she took the stage. Other hits like “Sk8er Boi” played and kept the audience on their feet.
A truly unique entrance with a giant helicopter made its way to the soundboard where MGK became visible through a cloud of white smoke after coming out of a ground hatch. He ascended into the air while holding onto a rope ladder and the fans went wild. He arrived at a giant circular checker patterned stage that was slanted towards the crowd.
MGK announced that his family was in attendance, including his 80+ year old grandpa who he has not seen in over 8 years. “I haven’t seen my grandpa in 8 years and he’s probably looking at me like who the f*** is this kid”. The pyrotechnics, loud vocals, and intense jam session kept the energy through the roof in Minnesota. Dressed in a sparkled v neck and pink pants, MGK doesn’t shy away from letting his true self show. During the show he would occasionally make light of the fact that his pants were ripping further and further to reveal his ass crack, he laughed.
The once rapper-turned punk rock artist gave the fans what they wanted, a show to remember. Nearly 2 hours of hits played through the arena including “My Ex’s Best Friend” and “Emo Girl”. The 95-minute set impressed many with the mix of new songs, old songs, covers, and impressive production. This will be a hard show to beat in 2022 if you’re a part of the punk-rock group that MGK attracts.