Interview with Fernando Perdomo (Dave Kerzner Band)

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Out to Sea” is the debut instrumental progressive-rock album by Fernando Perdomo, guitarist and bassist of the Dave Kerzner Band. We had the opportunity to ask Fernando some interesting questions about the creative process of the album, and you can watch the interview in the video below.

The album draws inspiration from classic 70s Art Rock albums by the likes of Steve Hackett, Peter Banks, Steve Howe, and Jan Akkerman. All instruments on the record, save one drum track, were played by Fernando Perdomo including guitars, keyboards, bass, and drums. Fernando describes his prog-rock inclinations since he earliest stages in his life: “Music has fascinated me since I was 3 years old, riding around in the car with my mother who truly loved music and fed my ears with the sounds of jazz, classical, and world music. By the tender age of 8, the Beatles had become my religion and I was teased in elementary school for wearing my Abbey Road t-shirt

“I discovered the magical sound of Progressive Rock in 6th grade and became obsessed. Thanks to the local flea market, I was able to amass a very good collection of Prog and Psych vinyl by the age of 11. All of this was happening while I was learning how to play guitar, drums, bass, and keyboards, which in hindsight, must have made my family insane. Now, at age 37, I find myself sharing stages with the same artists on those amazing Prog albums I devoured in my youth, thanks in part to my involvement with Dave Kerzner, for whom I am truly grateful as a friend and as a band leader. This record is a tribute to the sounds that made me the person and musician I am today. I cannot thank my fans, friends, and family enough for the support I have received. Thank you for going “Out To Sea” with me! Let’s set sail!

Acclaimed artist Paul Whitehead (well-known for his work on covers like Trespass, Nursery Cryme, and Foxtrot by Genesis and more recently The Similitude Of A Dream by The Neal Morse Band) painted the cover image.The album will be released on CD and Digital February 9, 2018 with pre-orders starting today at this location and a vinyl edition available by preorder soon.



  1. What an epic interview – it was great to hear the details behind the album! Next step for me is to pre-order!!

  2. Thank you Fernando Perdomo and all the other young prog rock artists who are keeping the flame burning! .Great work!

    • You are completely right Sydney. Artists like Fernando keep the torch of progressive-rock sparking flames

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